El Al flights carry 400 Israelis out of Egypt unrest

احدث اجدد واروع واجمل واشيك El Al flights carry 400 Israelis out of Egypt unrest

Speaking to Channel 10, passengers say events on the ground in Cairo do not seem as bad as they may appear on television.
Two chartered flights out of Egypt carrying over 400 Israeli citizens landed in Ben-Gurion International Airport on Monday, Channel 10 reported, a week into the anti-governmental protests that have been rattling Israel's neighbor to the south.
Speaking to Channel 10, one of the El Al flights' passengers said that the Cairo demonstrations did not look as bad on the ground as they did on television, adding that things were in fact "a lot less worse."

"We sat near Tahrir Square, people were walking around quietly, getting up occasionally and then coming back" the man said.

The Foreign Minister reiterated its Egypt travel warning on Sunday, advising those Israeli citizens who were still in the country to consider ending their trip.

In a statement, the FM advisory also related to those Israelis who decided to stay despite recent unrest, urging them to follow the instructions of local authorities and adhere to curfew hours.

On Saturday, a special Sun Dor flight departed for Egypt in order to carry about 30 family members of Israeli diplomats working in the country, along with another 40 Israeli tourists who requested immediate emergency assistance.

Protesters who have rocked the nation of 80 million people, a key U.S. ally in the Arab world, complain about surging prices and the gap between rich and poor but have also called for a new political system.


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