Lobster & Swan Swoon

احدث اجدد واروع واجمل واشيك Lobster & Swan Swoon

It’s images like these that keep me coming back to the lovely Lobster & Swan blog again and again and again. Jeska Hearne has such a girly, romantic, cozy home… Her arrangements of things are so beautiful and it really is a photo of a living room like this that makes me want a fireplace so badly… Her mantle just melts my heart! But we can’t have it all which is why we visit the blogs of various virtual friends to find inspiration through the things that they have that we wish we did! :) ha!
I especially LOVE the prints she pointed out over at the V&A museum shop online… Jeska if you are reading this you make me happy always. :)
(images: Jeska Hearne)



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